
Episode 28 – How we saved $20k in travel in 2023!

Episode 28 covers our breakdown of travel in 2023 and how we took advantage of our credit card points and other travel programs. Focusing primarily on Southwest Companion Pass and Marriott Bonvoy as the two main programs. But also how Reign Over Money utilizes different credit cards from Chase and CapitalOne to overcome the expenses of travel.

Episode 27 – Montel Carlo and Sequence of Return Risk

In this episode Reign Over Money shows a common tool financial advisors use in retirement planning and how to have some fun with it. The introduction of a Monte Carlo simiulation also helps to highlight what is called Sequence of Return Risk and why individuals should care about that near and in retirement.

Nice screen grab YouTube!!

The Reign Over Money Diamond

After 25 episodes we’ve completed our way to the top! These building blocks are what I believe lead to a sound, fundamental base for an individual or family to have a strong personal financial understanding. Each episode deals with a topic and starting in 2024 we will spend multiple episodes on each of the parts of the diamond. Enjoy!

Episode 25 – Estate Planning for the 99%

Reign Over Money talks about the importance of having a fundamental estate plan no matter your asset size. Simple items like; retirement account beneficiaries, life insurance and wills among other topics most people should work towards having are discussed.

Episode 24 – Weighing Wants vs. Needs

In Episode 24, Kevin talks about the major problem facing many people, how to control the variable expenses (wants) versus needs; those absolute needs (shelter, food) and allowable needs. This episode gives some ideas and food for thought on focusing on how to lower variable costs or wants to get to the ultimate goal of creating a surplus in income versus expense on a month to month basis.

Couple important links from Social Security episode!

To set up your Social Security account or check your numbers start here

To look at a breakeven for taking SS early versus waiting get your numbers and click here Social Security Breakeven Analysis

Episode 23 – Social Security: Decisions, Decisions

Reign Over Money gives a broad overview of social security and the major decision about when to take it. Kevin discusses the website as a resource and also additional calculator tools that can help assist you in making an informed decisions about how and when to start taking social security.

Episode 22 – What you need to know about Life, Health and Long-Term Care Insurance

Kevin gives a high level overview of each type of insurance and why they are important. He also explains how his family has utilized each and the plan for insurance during his retirement. Briefly touches on the importance of term over whole life and utilizing an HSA at work if available.

Episode 21 – What’s your Psychology on Money and Investing?

We all have different views on why money is important to us. Understanding your relationship with money and what it means to you and what you want it to do for you in life is something that evolves over time. The way you approach money and investing can significantly increase your chances for success if you know what you want. Kevin shares how his thoughts have changed over time and gives some advice for potential success as you form your thoughts and beliefs around money and investing.

Episode 20 – Your Job, Career and Passion

In Episode 20, Kevin focuses on the most important piece that will fuel your financial success and that is how you make money. Kevin reflects on his 25 year career and time as a small business owner, working for a small company and working for a large company. Having this background the pros and cons of each are discussed along some tidbits learned along the way on how to succeed at whatever your job or career is or becomes.