Month: January 2023

Episode 6 – Investing Foundation

We are up and running with Episode 6 and I’m FINALLY talking about investing. I know it’s the sizzle but in the building blocks of Reign Over Money we’ve got to get your budget and organization in place before we can move on. I’ll talk about “The Trinity” of accounts one should strive to build, a tax-deferred account, tax-free account and taxable account and how you can get access to those. Enjoy and feel free to comment, subscribe or share. Available below and YouTube and wherever you get your Podcasts from.

Link to Mortgage Payment Calculator added

In Episode 5 I mentioned how extra premium payments can make a big difference. Here is a great tool via to see what some extra payments, lump sum or systematically can do to the length of your mortgage. Enjoy!

Episode 5 – That Escrow Account

Hey – got episode 5 up on Friday. Taking a deeper look at understanding mortgage payments and all the extras you may be paying for including, escrow and PMI. Taking over your escrow payments is a way to reduce what’s being payed to your lender but be careful, you need to be ready to pay taxes and insurance when they come due!

Episode 4 – How we save on groceries

Little delayed on this post but check out how we juggle the grocery store portion of our budget. Quick hint, it’s a lot of Aldi’s and Costco.
Also a highlight – Costco gas savings alone can many times offset the Gold Star annual membership of $60 so keep that in mind if leery of the annual charge.

Episode 3 – Is there good debt anymore?

Moving along the ROM Diamond we add Debt Management as the next step. This episode discussed different types of debt, how and where I utilize it and my thoughts on the good, bad and ugly of each. Also, check out the tools section. I’ve included a few links to noteworthy data figures that folks should keep an eye on from time to time. Thanks for stopping by!

Stay Persistent

Markets have been up and down this first week and after coming off a 20% down year in 2022, I’m hearing from friends and family a lack of faith in making money on investments in the market. Folks, this is where you take advantage with persistence. Hopefully you have some automated investments either through your retirement accounts or from your paycheck. Keep buying shares, keep buying units, take advantage of the discount in prices right now. Whether its 1, 3 or 5 years down the road it will pay off. It’s the beauty of dollar cost averaging. If you’re not familiar with the term I’ll discuss later this month on the podcast.

Episode 2 – Diets and Budgets

Happy New Year! We are off and running in 2023 and I hope everyone is having a nice start to the year. Holidays are always special but I do enjoy getting back in to a bit of a routine.
During the 2nd episode I went over the basics of how I run our budget and showed some items on the videocast that is available on YouTube which you can view here or click the YouTube link above. Also, ROM is now available on most popular podcast sites, Spotify, Apple, I Heart, etc…very exciting!
Here are the links I mentioned
The ROM Diamond
Our budget breakdown 2020-2020
The forward looking budget template